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  • TODAY'S DATE - 2025-02-18


In two days this year will end and a new year begins, and we can make bold to say it has been an interesting year. Interesting because, lots has happened, both good, bad and ugly. The challenges of life, such as tribulations, limitations, persecutions, afflictions, buffetings etc. are all that make life interesting, and meaningful, and give value to our Christian faith John 16:33.It is when we go through these phases of life and come out successfully with our faith intact, that we can boldly say: we are triumphant and victorious in Christ, and then celebrate God’s faithfulness 2 Corinthians 2:14. David said in our text, bless the Lord oh my soul and forget none of His benefits…, then he went on to list and count them one after another, acknowledging God’s mercies and giving Him glory Psalms103:1-5ff. Beloved, as the year is ending, take quality time on your own alone, and reflect on your life and all that pertains to you, from the beginning of this year till now. Can you ‘see’ anything amazing and great that God has done for you? I must confess that how we survive the year is by the mercies of God and not by our ‘smartness’. If you are sincere, you will see that the Lord has been good to you. You may not have become all you wanted, and you may not have received all you prayed for, but by the time you are done counting all your blessings, naming them one by one as David did, it will surprise you, what the Lord has done for you, Psalm 65:11-13. Go on and sing praises to God for all God has done for you as an individual and as a family. We must acknowledge that the Lord has been good to us despite all that happened in the year, the good, the ugly and the beautiful, He alone is worthy of all our praises.




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