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  • TODAY'S DATE - 2025-02-18


God is always in control of the situations around us even when they are painful or frightening. He urges us to take refuge in His power. However, there are times in our lives when we fail to submit to God. This is the moment when we should be reminded to “let go and let God”. To let go and let God is to acknowledge God in directing our paths, letting go of lingering doubts, and submitting our lives to God’s ruling and direction. Because of the selfishness and wickedness in the natural human heart, hurts and grievances are expected often as we relate with others daily. But when we fail to let go, through the help of the Holy Spirit, they impose heavy burdens on us and hinder us from making meaningful and maximum progress in life. In our text, Joseph loved his brothers, but they hated him, while they planned to kill him, he travelled a distance bringing them food, and they sold him into slavery hoping he would die there; Potiphar’s wife falsely accused him, without verification, Potiphar cast him into prison; in the prison, he prophesied and the Chief Butler was restored, yet he abandoned him in prison. Genesis 40:12-14 &23. However, in all these, Joseph maintained his love, integrity and fellowship with God, he never complained. He just let go of all evil done to him, living a joyful life. God helped him and lifted him far above all who oppressed and wished him dead. Genesis 50:20-22 Beloved, don’t let the hurt of wickedness done to you cluster a heavy burden on you and hinder God’s purpose in your life. Wake up, tell yourself: I am far above all these, my future is brighter than these, and my destiny is glorious in Christ. Let go of the worries, fears, and grievances whatsoever, and let God have His way Jeremiah 29:11.Beloved, trust God and get going.




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