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  • TODAY'S DATE - 2025-01-18


The central focus of the Bible is on the revelation of Jesus Christ as the only begotten son of God, through whom alone the entire world can be reconciled to God and be saved. God Himself bare records that Jesus Christ is His son in whom He is well pleased Matthew 3:16-17; 17:5, this testimony is reassuring and greater than any human testimonies. The ultimate testimony about Jesus as the son of God is from God the Father Himself. Our text further reveals and strengthens the witness that God gave concerning His son, in giving us eternal life through Him. And this is the confidence we have in Him, that if we have Christ in us, we have eternal life, and whosoever does not have Christ, is already dead while living. It is then our responsibility to strongly believe in Him and live like Him as the only means to eternal life verses 9-12, John 3:17-18. Eternal life can be described as knowing God as the only true God and knowing Jesus Christ who came to the world to accomplish the salvation of man. It is not just about life after here on earth, eternal life is the very breath of God in an individual which cannot end; it begins here on earth and continues into eternity, from the day you receive Christ into your natural life. It is a life without sin, the very life of Christ Galatians 2:20. Eternal life is the life of intimacy and constant fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit, whereby, we communicate our feelings and needs with God according to His will and receive answers to all our petitions. And this is the confidence, that because we have eternal life, whatever troubles that come our way, He definitely comes through for us Verse 13-15.




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