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1. On Education, I advocate Technical education because, we produce many Engineering graduates and we still import expatriates who only attended a Technical education in their countries - Bishop Odedeji
2. Many churches are turning to theatre today - Bishop Odedeji
3. The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) Diocese of Lagos West says NO to same sex marriage because God the Creator of heaven and earth never created a man for Adam in the Garden of Eden but a woman - Rt Rev d Dr James Olusola Odedeji (Bishop of Lagos West)
4. Let Christians all over the world arise from their slumber into into His marvellous Light - Rt Rev d Dr James Olusola Odedeji (Bishop of Lagos West)
5. The farther we move away from God the nearer we are to darkness and the more darkness covers the earth - Rt Rev d Dr James Olusola Odedeji (Bishop of Lagos West)
6. Our nation must rise and shine - Rt Rev d Dr James Olusola Odedeji (Bishop of Lagos West)
7. When we want to perpetrate evil, we remove our collar - Bishop Dahunsi (Ido Ani Diocese)
8. If I don t pope-nose into your affairs, I am not doing my work as a Pastor. I must know what is happening to you and encourage you. - Bishop Dahunsi (Ido Ani Diocese)
9. An unrepentant sinner is a shameless sinner - Bishop Dahunsi (Ido Ani Diocese)
10. For you to shine you must be ready to sacrifice something - Ven Adebogun
11. Can you say you are shining for the Lord? - Ven Adebogun
12. A Bishop seeking popularity of the people will fail - Bishop Sowale (Ilesha Diocese)
13. When we choose to disobey God s word, you are not shining – Bishop Dahunsi (Ido Ani Diocese)
14. On security, Nigerians don t sleep again with two eyes closed - Bishop Odedeji
15. It is not when you have flashy car that you are shining but you are shining when you give your life to Jesus Christ - Bishop Dahunsi
16. Nobody is asking you to try but you are to trust - Bishop Dahunsi
17. We don t preach to impress but we preach to express the mind of God - Bishop Dahunsi (Ido Ani Diocese)
18. Your presence in the Church shows that the Lord Jesus Christ is still relevant to you - Ven Dr. Adewunmi
19. You cannot shine today in Nigeria today as Christians if you do not have answer in the Bible for every evil that is happening around. People will always have something to say to justify their evil. – Bishop Dahunsi (Ido Ani Bishop) 20. You need the Holy Spirit to shine – Bishop Dahunsi
21. There is no profession a Christian cannot be involved in if he is conscious of whom he is. – Bishop Dahunsi





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