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  • TODAY'S DATE - 2024-09-10


True generosity, the kind that magnifies Christ Jesus, comes from a sincere and good heart. It is a product of a life in total submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Generosity as a virtue is greatly connected to our views about material possessions. When a person sees all that he has as a product of his own wisdom and power, it becomes very difficult for such a person to be generous. On the other hand, if his view is that all he has and all he is are from the Lord, it will not be hard to show kindness to others through his generosity. However, our understanding concerning material possessions is a function of who or what we submit ourselves to, it depends on the kind of teachings or ideas we expose our minds to. Like the Macedonian Christians who first gave themselves to the Lord, we need to daily submit to the Lordship of Christ so that He would renew our minds and give us proper understanding concerning things we own. A good person is seen as being good because he has a virtuous heart. In other words, a bad person is a product of his heart. If a bad person pretends to be good, he will not be able to pretend for long before his real person shows. Furthermore, the text for today should open our eyes to the fact that God desires that we first give ourselves to Him in obedience and faith before we give our material possessions, especially if we want our good deeds to be reckoned with. As we sacrifice material things for the sake of others, we must not forget to make our lives a living and acceptable sacrifice for God.




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